Friday, April 24, 2015

Checking In!

Not much has really happened since my last update. We've been laying low at home since the arrival of our newest little one, and have been taking it easy while adjusting to life as a family of five.

We were at Northside Baptist Church a few weeks ago, and it was so wonderful to visit with old friends and form new friendships! Words cannot express how the members of NBC took care of us! We were made to feel welcome right from the start. Johnathan and I were even sent on a date... ALONE! This is rare, friends! We were able to share our ministry with the people of Northside, and really felt that our hearts for Mexico came across well. We are still blown away by all of the gifts, prayers, and friendships we left with that weekend.

As I said earlier, we haven't been too busy in the last couple of months. We have been enjoying being home and attending services at our home church. We've been doing things like going to parks and spending time with our friends and family.

Penny is growing like a weed, and is nearly four months old! She loves to snuggle and smile, and nobody can make her laugh and smile like Daddy or Abby can! She is such a joy to our family!

Ellie Grace is closing in on two years old! She is our wild child, and is definitely keeping this mama on her toes. She is still into everything, but is becoming much more independent and vocal by the day. Some of her favorite things are Minnie Mouse, Cheetos, and following big sister Abby around every second of the day!

Abby Kate has started "school" at home, and is doing wonderfully with letters, numbers, colors, and other starting points. She would live outside if we'd let her, loves going to Cubbies every Wednesday, and lives for quality time. We've found that one-on-one time makes this girl thrive! She was especially thrilled when John took her out for a special Daddy-Daughter Date Night hosted by our local Chick-Fil-A. She is learning and growing so much, and so quickly! Here she is with her sassy new haircut.. one that was necessary after she attempted to cut it herself!

John just returned last month from a mission trip to India with a group from our church. He was blessed to be able to go do ministry side by side with some of our closest friends. We sure missed him, and were glad for him to come back! The next couple of months for us include a homeschool conference, our sixth wedding anniversary, several family birthdays, and hopefully a trip to Mexico this summer for all five of us!
Thanks for keeping up with our little family on this crazy ride we're on!

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